Monday 25th St Louis
10am Mass: Paul De Naeyer, RIP
10am Mass: Paul De Naeyer, RIP
Tuesday 26th Bl Dominic of the Mother of God, Pr
9.15am Mass: Geraldine Hayter, RIP (Anniv)
Wednesday 27th St Monica
9.15am Mass: Andrew & Peggy McFarlane, RIP (Anniv)
10.00am Body in Church: Sheila Mazzag, RIP
10.30am Requiem Mass: Sheila Mazzag, RIP
2.30 pm Requiem Mass: Kazimierz Nowakowski, RIP
Thursday 28th St Augustine, Bp, D
9.15am Mass: Bill Pearson, RIP
Friday 29th The Passion of St John the Baptist
12 Noon Mass: Helen Cope, RIP (Anniv)
Saturday 30th Ss Margaret Clitherow Anne Line & Margaret Ward
10.00am Mass Valerie & Ian Spacie (Golden Wedding Anniversary)
Confession – the Sacrament of Penance – is also available on request
Holy Rosary is said after morning Mass during the week