Year 2, Psalter Week 3

Monday 3rd All Souls
9.15am Mass: Holy Souls

12 Noon Mass:  Intentions of the Holy Father

8.00pm: Holy Souls

Tuesday 4th St Charles Borromeo, Bp
9.15am Mass: Kathleen Vatcher, RIP (Anniv)

Wednesday 5th Feria
9.15am Mass: Holy Souls

Thursday 6th Feria
9.15am Mass: John & Anna Connolly - Golden Wedding Anniversary

Friday 7th St Willibrord, Bp
12 Noon Mass: CWL Intentions
12.30pm Exposition after Mass until
8.00pm Holy Hour & Benediction

Saturday 8th Feria
10.00am Mass Intentions of Tom & Rita O'Callaghan

Confession – the Sacrament of Penance – is also available on request
Holy Rosary is said after morning Mass during the week