Monday 10th St Leo the Great, P, D
9.15am Mass: Lilian de Lobel, RIP
9.15am Mass: Lilian de Lobel, RIP
Tuesday 11th St Martin of Tours, Bp
9.15am Mass: Holy Souls
Wednesday 12th St Josaphat, Bp, M
9.15am Mass: Michael Chambers, RIP
Thursday 13th Feria
9.15am Mass: Intentions of Adrian Dann
8.00pm Mass: Parish Requiem Mass
Friday 14th Feria
12 Noon Mass: Intentions of Tom & Kitty Lydon
Saturday 15th Feria
10.00am Mass Evelyn Shevket, RIP (Anniv)
Confession – the Sacrament of Penance – is also available on request
Holy Rosary is said after morning Mass during the week