Monday 15th Feria
9.15am Mass: James Davidson Spratt, RIP (Anniv)
Tuesday 16th Feria
9.15am Mass: Stephanie Horwood, RIP (Anniv)
Wednesday 17th Feria
9.15am Mass: Ione Waite, RIP (Anniv)
Thursday 18th Feria
9.15am Mass: Mrs Greiner, Grace & Gwen Greiner, RIP
Friday 19th Feria
12 Noon Mass: Pat & John Moon & Valerie Griggs, RIP
Saturday 20th Feria
10.00am Mass Intentions of Eileen Wilson Sen - 90th birthday
Confession – the Sacrament of Penance – is also available on request
Holy Rosary is said after morning Mass during the week