Monday 22nd
9.15am Mass Mike Burke & Audrey Thorpe, RIP
Confessions after Mass
Tuesday 23rd
9.15am Mass Robert Waite, RIP Anniversary
Confessions after Mass
Wednesday 24th Christmas Eve
9.15am Mass Anthony Comey, RIP Anniversary
Confessions after Mass
5pm Carols for 5.30pm Vigil Mass Deceased of Poulton Family
10.30pm Carols for 11.00pm Mass The People of the Parish
Thursday 25th Christmas Day
8.00am Mass Private Intention
9.30am Mass Private Intention
11.30am Mass Private Intention
Friday 26th St Stephen
10.00am Mass Altar Servers & their Families
Saturday 27th St John, Ap, Evangelist
10.00am Mass Bertha Nesnas, RIP
No exposition or Confessions
5.30pm Vigil Mass Mary de Souza, RIP
Sunday 28th The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph
8.00am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Alison Shepherd, RIP
11.30am Mass William Underwood, RIP Anniversary
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 29th St Thomas of Canterbury, Bp, M
9.15am Mass Clare Chadwick, RIP
Tuesday 30th Sixth day of the Octave of Christmas
9.15am Mass Steve & Agnes McManus, RIP Anniversary
Wednesday 31st Seventh day of the Octave of Christmas
9.15am Mass Fr Kevin Donovan, RIP Anniversary
7.00-8.00pm Holy Hour, Benediction & Te Deum
Thursday 1st January 2015 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
12noon Mass Fr Jim Wilkinson, RIP
Friday 2nd Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen
12noon Mass followed by Exposition CWL Intentions
Saturday 3rd The Most Holy Name of Jesus
10.00am Mass Thanksgiving – Infant of Prague
4.00pm Children’s Crib Benediction
5.30 pm Vigil Mass Gregory Power, RIP Anniversary
Sunday 4th The Epiphany of the Lord
8.00am Mass Mary & Anne – Private Intention
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Essie Glauda, RIP
1.30pm Mass Polish Mass
4.00pm Mass Extraordinary Form Private Intention
5.30pm Mass Vespers & Benediction