Pray for the Dead

Please pray for our dead on their anniversaries:

Mgr Daniel Shanahan, Fr George Steadman, Fr Stephen Wyatt, Fr Kevin Lyons,
Fr William Loveland, Canon Thomas Bishop, Canon Richard Gay, Cecil Ratcliff, Arthur Sanctuary, William Currane, Patrick McCarthy, David Scott-Frame,
James Scott, Jeremiah Brennan, John Goodwin-Self, Angelo Nikolla, Jack North, Gilbert Blanch, Joan Sullivan, Karin Chipperfield, Gwendoline Greiner,
Patrick Landers, Maureen Coghlan, Stanley Watson, Alice Conway, Joyce Jones, Helen Lesley, Doris Payne, Mary Russell, William Upsher, Walter Kilman & Edward Hullett.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.