Pray for the Dead

Please pray for our dead on their anniversaries:

Cardinal John Carmel Heenan, Mary Peomore, Eileen Clark, Philip Modica,
Mick Burke, Andrew Mitchelmore, Marie Hale, Mary Shanahan, Lilian Rombaut, Paul Evans, Maria Lynch, Winifred Allen, Elizabeth Spivey, Bob O’Toole,
Dorothy Bartby, Lily Kenney, Irene Fanning, Mary Pinsent, Arthur (Rob) Hood, Margaret Scales, Marie Elliott, Olive Potter, Alice West, James McHugh,
Alan Gloyne, Bernard Culham, Bridget Curtis & Tom Doran.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.