Please pray for our dead on their anniversaries:
Fr William Philpot, Deacon Norman Wiseman, Canon Denis Petry,
Fr Terence Howes, Fr James Ethrington, Robert Drew, Clare Murphy,
Emma Harley, Francis Whelan, Dorothy Stuart, Sydney Hamblon, Thomas Horner,
Dr Gerry Leyden, Marie Daniels, Sidney Hempstead, Pearl Scaife, Lucy Tombleson,
Joan Lucey, Donald Galvin, Eileen Stanshall, Anne Britt, Joan Read, Albert Rogers,
Janet Conway, John Owen, John Cavanagh, Jack O’Riordan, Vincent Kelly, John O’Neill & Kathleen McIlwee
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.