Pray for the Dead

Please pray for our dead on their anniversaries:

Canon Francis Dobson, Fr John King, Fr Gilbert Basil Pearson, Fr Neville Banks, Madeline Moroney, Clive Allen, Stephana Gallacher, Evelyn Roots, Cyril Jarman, Agness O’Donoghue, Agnes McManus, Catherine Ramsay, Hubert Carlyon,
Mary Tomlinson, Ryan Allen, Margaret Bonsor, Juan Billena, Mabel Payne,
Joe De Lobel, Leslie Murray, Derrick Whithil-Smith, Mary Cooper, Tim McCarthy, Lily Johnson, Eileen Watson, Georges Egidio, Dr Robert Clark, Catherine Mills, Pat Rogers, Patricia Manning,Eric Major, John Mayo, Anna Sokl, Gordon Wallen, Rose-Margaret Gilbert, Mary Ann Foley, Elsie Nicol, Nancy Hume, Annie Shea, Brigid Connolly, Violet Read & Gabriel Craven

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.