Saturday 5th Feria
10am Mass Patricia Breslin, RIP
5.30pm Vigil Bertha Nesnas, RIP
Sunday 6th March
8am Mass Maureen Caulfield, RIP
9.30am Mass Jim & Teena Rockell, RIP
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
4pm Mass Pat Burke, RIP - Extraordinary Form
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 7th Feria
9am Mass Joan Hogan, RIP (Anniv)
Tuesday 8th Feria
9am Mass Charles & Alice Whitefield
Wednesday 9th Feria
9am Mass John Joe Swann, RIP (Anniv)
Thursday 10th Feria
9am Mass Jan Harris,RIP (Anniv)
5pm Body in Church: Aoife O’Sullivan, RIP
Friday 11th Feria
6.30am Mass Special Intentions
12Noon Mass Intentions of Noel & Chris Murray
4pm Funeral: Aoife O’Sullivan, RIP
8.00pm Stations of the Cross & Benediction
Saturday 12th Feria
10am Mass Flurry Murnane, RIP
5.30pm Vigil Mass Carmel Kislingbury-50th Wedding Anniversary
Sunday 13th March
8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Intentions of the O’Sullivan Family
11.30am Mass Melvyn Calton, RIP (Anniv)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction