Please pray for our dead on their anniversaries:
Fr. Joseph Tuohey, Canon William Toft, Pope St John Paul II, Leo Winter,
Jane Adamson, Herbert Maddocks, Pamela Shenstone, Winifred Lawson,
Ellen O’Connor, Hugh Devine, Kathleen Collins, Ann Turner, Frederick Duggans, Bessie Higley, Sheila Townsend, Veronica Redhouse, Alan Read, Stella Finn,
Geraldine Gwilliam, Herbert Robertson, Mary Leonard, Marjorie Nolan,
Eugene Read, Winifred Maguire, Albert Thorne, ronald Black, Daisy Spicer,
Vera Stuart, Lt Cdr James Scott, Marjorie Bowen, Leslie Poole, Jean Bethell and Vi Coveney
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.