Sunday 4th December
Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Intentions of May Strzetelska
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass Margaret Sheaf, RIP (BS)
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Intentions of Fatima Balolong (FB)
4.00pm Mass Private Intention- Extraordinary Form
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 5 Feria
9.00am Mass Fr John Caden, RIP (MK)
Tuesday 6 St Nicholas, Bp
9.00am Mass Thanksgiving (MS)
Wednesday 7 St Ambrose, Bp, D
9.00am Requiem Mass Maria Lena, RIP
8.00pm Devotions & Benediction
Thursday 8 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
9.00am Mass Pat & John Moon & Valerie Griggs, RIP (SM)
Friday 9 St Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
12Noon Mass Clare Clarke, RIP (BH)
Saturday 10 Feria
10.00am Mass Jim Scott, RIP (MS)
10.30am-11.30am Exposition & Confessions
The Holy Rosary is prayed after morning Mass during the week
Sunday 11th December - Third Sunday of Advent - ‘Gaudete’
Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Henryk Konieczka, RIP (Anniv) (MK)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass Elaine Lambert, RIP (AC)
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish - Children’s Gift Mass
11.30am Mass Peter Parsons, RIP (BP)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
The Sacrament of Penance is available on request