Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Gwendoline Underwood, RIP (RB)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass Intentions of the Carmelites (Leigh-on-Sea) (SH)
9.30am Mass Intentions of the Murphy & Price Families (K&LW)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 22 St Rita of Cascia Rel
9.00am Mass Paul Williams, RIP (CR)
Tuesday 23 Feria
9.00am Mass Charles & Alice Whitefield, RIP (FM)
Wednesday 24 Feria
9.00am Mass Intentions of Gerry Dillon (GD)
Thursday 25 St Bede the Venerable, Pr, D
9.00am Mass Keith Tanner, RIP (MR)
Friday 26 St Philip Neri, Pr
12Noon Mass Christine Fisher, RIP (TO’C)
10.00am Mass Intentions of Brett Mackay (SD)
The Holy Rosary is prayed after morning Mass during the week
The Ascension of the Lord - Sunday 28th May
Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Tony Nesnas, RIP (VDS)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass Msgr George Stokes, RIP (AC)
9.30am Mass Intentions of the Price & Murphy Families
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction