4th Week in Ordinary Time

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 27 January

5.30pm Vigil Mass Jack van der Ploeg†
6.30 Exposition & Confession

Sunday 28 January

8am Mass Barry Bevan†
9.30 Mass Marian Solecki† Anniversary
11.30 Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction


Monday 29

9am Mass John Kidney†


Tuesday 30

9am Mass Intentions of Margaret Holland

Saint John Bosco, Priest

Wednesday 31

9am Mass Peter Griffin†
10.30 Newman Room Mothers’ Prayers


Thursday 1 February

9am Mass John & Pat Moon† & Valerie Griggs†
7pm Contemplative Prayer silence, simplicity & stillness

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Friday 2

11.30am Blessing of the candles & procession
12noon Mass Intentions of the Catholic Women’s League
8pm Holy Hour & Benediction
9 Exposition until midnight for Vocations

Saint Anne Line, Martyr & Saint Blaise

Saturday 3

10am Mass Intentions of Maureen & Bernadette Ward
10.30 Exposition & Confession

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5.30pm Vigil Mass The People of the Parish
6.30 Exposition & Confession

Sunday 4 February

8am Mass Barrington Gray† Anniversary
9.30 Mass Rose & Charles D’Souza Wedding Anniversary - Thanksgiving
11.30 Mass Patricia Westoby 50th Wedding Anniversary
4pm Mass in Extraordinary Form Private Intention
5.30 Vespers & Benediction