Saturday 5.30pm Vigil The People of the Parish
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass René Van Montfort (M&JMcC)
9.30am Mass Bill Pearson, RIP (SP)
11.30am Mass Kay Dodd, RIP (CC)
(preceded by Blessing & Procession of Palms)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 26 Monday in Holy Week
9.00am Mass Ernest & Phyllis Cheeseman, RIP (CC)
Confessions after Mass
Tuesday 27 Tuesday in Holy Week
9.00am Mass Intentions of John & Renata Butler (T&RO’C)
Confessions after Mass
Wednesday 28 Wednesday in Holy Week
9.00am Mass John Mansfield, RIP (PM)
Confessions after Mass
Thursday 29 Maundy Thursday
9.00am Office of Lauds
8.00pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper - Barbara Sheaf, RIP (UO’K)
Watching at Altar of Repose until Midnight; Confessions; Compline 11.45pm
Friday 30 Good Friday
9.00am Office of Readings & Lauds
10.00am Children’s Way of the Cross
3.00pm Solemn Liturgy of Our Lord’s Passion
8.00pm Way of the Cross
Confessions after all Services
Saturday 31 Holy Saturday
9am Office of Readings & Lauds
Confessions 10-12 Noon
8.30pm Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter - The People of the Parish
The Holy Rosary is prayed after morning Mass during the week
EASTER SUNDAY - Sunday 1st April
8.00am Mass Deceased relatives & loved ones of Bragard & Underwood Families (RB)
9.30am Mass Margaret Sanders, RIP (LW)
11.30am Mass Marian Payne, RIP
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
The Sacrament of Penance is available on request