Easter Sunday - Sunday 21st April

EASTER SUNDAY - Sunday 21st  April 

8.00am Mass Selwyn & Audrey Lewis, RIP (Anniv) (JL)
9.30am Mass Deceased members of the Clarke Family (BH)
11.30am Mass Joyce Foy, RIP (RS) 
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 22 Monday within the Octave of Easter
10.00am Mass Eric Newman, RIP (UO’K)

Tuesday 23 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
9.00am Mass Aidan Galvin, RIP (J&FO’B)

Wednesday 24 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
9.00am Mass Janaki Tan, RIP (First Anniversary)(TT)
9.45am Funeral Service James Poskitt, RIP

Thursday 25 Thursday within the Octave of Easter
9.00am Mass Sheila McBrearty, RIP

Friday 26 Friday within the Octave of Easter
12Noon Mass John & Sheila Creavan & Esme Condon-Hayden (JM) 

Saturday 27 Saturday within the Octave of Easter
10.00am Mass Vera de Souza, RIP (Anniv)(LdS)
10.30am-11.30am Exposition & Confession 

Second Sunday of Easter - Sunday 28th April - Divine Mercy

Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Tony & Eileen Byczynski, RIP (JR)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession

8.00am Mass Pauline Kidney, RIP (Anniv) (VC)
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Thanksgiving to the People of the Parish (B&MH)
2.30pm Divine Mercy Devotions
NO Vespers & Benediction