Fifth Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends in Christ

We have begun the final two weeks of Lent: Passiontide. The purple veiling of our crucifixes reminds us of the sombre nature of these days contemplating Our Lord’s suffering and death. Let us not relax our fervent living of Lent during this crisis but redouble our efforts to pray and purify our lives of everything ungodly. Even if it is the most unusual Lent we have ever had!

Celebrating Mass these days in an empty church is one of the most strange experiences I have had in my years as a priest. However, I am aware from your communications, that hundreds of you have been connected through the internet to the offering of the Mass. Do introduce others to this facility if they are not aware of it or don't know how to access it; this has proven to be such a great benefit. One of the most touching images I received last weekend, was children in a family setting up an altar at home with statues and candles with the live-streaming of Mass in the background. This is a perfect way of participating in the rhythm of prayer — focused on Holy Mass — which continues in our churches even without a physical presence. Do continue to be part of the praying Church by reading the Scriptures, using the materials available online and making Spiritual Communions.

Thank you for continuing to support the Parish with your offerings. Those of you with Offertory envelopes could post them through The Presbytery door; you might consider setting-up a Standing Order or Bank transfer or using the online “Donate” facility of the Parish website. Your continued generosity is all the more appreciated given that everyone will be struggling financially.

The schedule of Masses and Services continue much as normal apart from there being only one Sunday morning Mass at 11.30.  I wish you assure you that I am praying constantly for the Parish.  The upside of this crisis is that it gives us more time for prayer! I am missing seeing you all, but if you need me for anything, then please call me. I am so grateful for the very many emails I am receiving which are so positive and supportive. This crisis will not be brief but it will pass. We can unite our experience with all those who have been, and continue to be, without the benefit of Mass and the Sacraments because of persecution or isolation. When this is all over we can return to Mass with renewed love and enthusiasm, and, we must hope and pray, with even greater numbers.

This Sunday is the moment of the Rededication of England to Our Blessed Lady. This was first done in 1381 by Richard II and is a token of our devotion to her in this land which has long been known as Mary’s Dowry. We so stand in need of the protecting mantle of God’s Mother at this moment. Please look at the special website Behold 2020 for more details of this important and historic act. There you can find the prayers which we can make in our churches, homes families and as individuals. I will be making this act of Rededication during our Sunday Mass and will hold each and every one of you in my heart and prayer at that moment. 

May God continue to bless and protect us!

Msgr Kevin Hale