5.30pm Vigil Roy Newman, RIP (CS)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 16 May
8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Cliff Falkus, RIP (EH)
11.30am Mass Allan & Evelyn Thompson, RIP (RK)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 17
9am Mass Jim & Lilian Fegan, RIP (M&JC)
8.30-10am Private Prayer
Tuesday 18
Pope St John I, M
9am Mass Margaret Kennedy, RIP (CS)
8.30-10am Private Prayer
Wednesday 19
St Dunstan, Bp
9am Mass Vivien Clancy, RIP (Anniversary) (JL)
8.30-10am Private Prayer
Thursday 20
St Bernardine of Siena, Pr
9am Mass Intentions of Norah Egodawela (NE)
8.30-10am Private Prayer
Friday 21
St Christopher Magallanes, Pr & Comps, Mm
12Noon Mass Clive Richards, RIP (UO’K)
11.30-1pm Private Prayer
Saturday 22
St Rita of Cascia, Rel
10am Mass Flora Ignatius, RIP (RP)
10.30-11.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Pentecost Sunday
5.30pm Vigil Mass Michael Doe, RIP (Anniversary) (JD)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 23 May
8am Mass Studita de Souza, RIP (FDS)
9.30am Mass Intentions of Lucrecia Conlu (JC)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction