5.30pm Vigil Mass Guy Bragard, RIP (RB)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 27 June
8am Mass Intentions of the Diggines Family (JL)
9.30am Mass Intentions of Jill Yates (LCG)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 28
St Irenaeus, Bp, M
9am Mass Marcia Clarke, RIP (SH)
Tuesday 29
9am Mass Gareth Lewis, RIP (Anniversary) (JL)
12Noon Mass Studie De Souza, RIP (FDS)
8pm Mass The People of the Parish
Wednesday 30
First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
9am Mass Patrick Clark, RIP (Anniversary) (BH)
Thursday 1 July
St Oliver Plunket, Bp, M
9am Mass John Kidney, RIP (Anniversary) (JL)
Friday 2
Feria - First Friday
12Noon Mass Norbert Widera, RIP (CF)
7pm-8pm Holy Hour & Benediction
Saturday 3
St Thomas, Ap
10.00am Frank Clancy, RIP (Anniversary) (JL)
10.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
Sunday 4 July
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5.30pm Vigil Mass Peter & Carol Moon, RIP (SM)
6.30pm Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions in the Lady Chapel
8am Mass Intentions of Lucrecia Conlu (JC)
9.30am Mass John Bernard Shaw, RIP (ES)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
4pm Mass Teresa O'Brien, RIP (MI) - Extraordinary Form
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction