Dear friends in Christ
The Fourth Sunday of Lent is Lætare Sunday from the opening words of the Entry Antiphon: Rejoice, Jerusalem! Even though we are only halfway through Lent, we are encouraged on this day to be joyful. Joy and the Cross are not incompatible; penance and self-sacrifice bring us into a joyful relationship with Jesus—at least they should. In the Gospel of this Sunday we shall hear another of those stunning miracles Jesus performs in order to bring us to the submission of faith. The Man Born Blind is a symbol of all those who live without seeing God, those who are spiritually blind. Once our eyes are opened, we see everything more clearly. We see, as it were, with supernatural vision. As we approach the celebration of the Paschal Triduum, and many throughout the Church prepare for the Easter Sacraments, let us allow ourselves to be led by the light of Jesus to deeper faith and trust in Him.
On Monday we have the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, secondary Patron of our Parish (please note the earlier time of Mass—8am) it has been transferred from 19th so that we can celebrate it. Saint Joseph plays a central and vital role in the work of the Incarnation and he remains for us today a model of the Christian virtues. We name him Foster Father of Jesus, Patron of the Universal Church, Spouse of the Mother of God…if you go to the page “Joseph” on the website you will find there the lovely Litany in his honour; also a link to a beautiful setting of this prayer by the Baroque composer--Heinrich Ignaz Biber.
May Saint Joseph watch over and protect us as we entrust ourselves and our families to his powerful intercession. On this Sunday we give thanks for the gift and grace of motherhood and for our own mothers in particular!
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale