Saturday 26th Holy Saturday
9am Mass Office of Readings & Lauds
8pm Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter - The People of the Parish
Sunday 27th March Easter Sunday
8am Mass Private Intention
9.30am Mass Ints of Fr Stewart Foster
11.30am Mass Dec’d relatives & friends of Bragard & Underwood Families
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 28th Monday within the Octave of Easter
10am Mass Nnaemeka Uhak
Tuesday 29th Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
9am Mass Patrick Lynch, RIP
Wednesday 30th Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
9am Mass Intentions of Cynthia & Alan Bush
Thursday 31st Thursday within the Octave of Easter
9am Mass Florence Porter, RIP
Friday 1st April Friday within the Octave of Easter
12Noon Mass Intentions of CWL
2.30pm Requiem Mass: Nina Clarke, RIP
8-9pm Holy Hour & Benediction
Saturday 2nd Saturday within the Octave of Easter
10am Mass Vi Coveney, RIP (Anniv)
10.30am-11.30am Exposition & Confession
5.30pm Vigil Mass Bertha Nesnas, RIP (Anniv)
Sunday 3rd April Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy
8am Mass Intentions of Fr Kevin & Parish Priests
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Andrew & Mary Murray, RIP (Anniv)
2.30pm Divine Mercy Service
NO Vespers & Benediction