Readings of Year C
The Nicene Creed
Preface of Sunday 6
Saturday 1 March
St David, Bp
10am Mass Bill Hoggett, RIP (Anniv) (JH)
10.30-11.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession
5.30pm Vigil Maureen Gooding, RIP (VJ)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession
Sunday 2 March
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass The People the Parish
9.30am Mass Ann Henning, RIP (DJ)
11.30am Mass John Walsh, RIP (MW)
4pm Mass Rosemary Bragard, RIP (JC)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 3
9am Mass Intentions of Don & Ann Craig (AC)
Tuesday 4
St Casimir
9am Mass Intentions of Sr Anna Tracy (AH)
Wednesday 5
Ash Wednesday—Day of fasting & abstinence
9.30am Mass Laurie Williamson, RIP (SW)
(with the Primary School attending)
12Noon Mass Albert Thomas Cook, RIP (Anniv) (MC)
7pm Mass The People of the Parish
Thursday 6
Thursday after Ash Wednesday
9am Mass Intentions of the Alworth Family (CO’M)
Friday 7
Friday after Ash Wednesday
12Noon Mass Patrick McSharry, RIP (RC)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until Holy Hour 7—8pm
Saturday 8
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
10am Mass Tom O'Callaghan, RIP (Anniv) (RO’C)
10.30-11.00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession 11.00am First Confessions
5.30pm Vigil Private Intention (MS)
6.30-7.30pm: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession
Sunday 9 March
First Sunday of Lent
8am Mass Intentions of Bob Sighe (MR)
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Joseph Swann, RIP (Anniv) (MW)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction