Saturday 6th Transfiguration of the Lord
10.00am Mass Intentions of Kathleen Burke & Family (RO’C)
5.30pm Vigil Mass Diana Underwood, RIP (Anniv) (RB)
Sunday 7th - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Jo Cox, RIP
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Nicola Kelly Green, RIP (MW)
4.00pm Mass Private Intention - Extraordinary Form
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
8th St Dominic, Pr
9.00am Mass Eileen Hood, RIP (RO’C)
Tuesday 9th St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, V, M
9.00am Mass Gregory Power, RIP (Anniv) (MP)
Wednesday 10th St Lawrence, Deacon, M
9.00am Mass Lily de Lobel, RIP (VC)
Thursday 11th St Clare, V
9.00am Mass Ione & Robert Waite, RIP (NB)
Friday 12th St Jane Frances de Chantal, Rel
12Noon Mass John Watkins & Susan Conibeer, RIP (Anniv) (JW)
Saturday 13th Ss Pontian, P and Hippolytus, Pr, Mm
10.00am Mass Fred Lang, RIP (B&MH)
5.30pm Vigil Mass Brian & Maureen Devine (Golden Wedding Anniv) (B&MD)
Sunday 14th - The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary
8am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Vincent Glauda, RIP (Anniv) (CC)
11.30am Mass Jim Scott, RIP (MS)
NO Vespers & Benediction