Monday 23rd St Clement 1, P, M
9am Mass Jon Marshall, RIP (Anniv)
Tuesday 24th St Andrew Dung Lac, Pr, and Comps, MM
9am Mass Lillian & Jim Fegan, RIP (Anniv)
Wednesday 25th St Catherine of Alexandria V M
9am Mass Gareth Lewis, RIP (Anniv)
Thursday 26th Feria
7pm Mass Opening Mass of Forty Hours - Holy Souls
Exposition continues until midnight
Friday 27th Feria
Exposition resumes from 7am
12Noon Elpedio Bonggot, RIP & for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
3.30pm Benediction for Children & Families
8.00pm Holy Hour & Exposition until midnight
Saturday 28th Our Lady on Saturday
Exposition from 7am
10am Mass Pietro Tisi, RIP (Anniv)
4.00pm Closing Benediction of the Forty Hours’