Monday 29th Feria
9am Mass Gareth Lewis, RIP (Anniv)
2.00pm Deanery Mass Year 6 Leavers
Tuesday 30th The First Martyrs of Holy Roman Church
9am Mass Patrick Clarke, RIP (Anniv)
Wednesday 1st July St Oliver Plunkett, Bp, M
9am Mass Edward Hippard, RIP
5.00pm Body in Church: Stella Hale, RIP
Thursday 2nd Feria
9am Mass Intentions of Josephine & Rafael Morrison
11.00am Requiem Mass: Stella Hale, RIP
Friday 3rd ST THOMAS, Ap
12noon Mass Gareth Lewis, RIP (Anniv)
12.30pm Exposition after Mass until
8.00pm Holy Hour & Benediction
Saturday 4th St Elizabeth of Portugal
10am Mass Phyllis Tait, RIP