Dear friends in Christ
This Sunday is the Opening day for our new Parish Centre. It will begin at one o’clock in the church with a short liturgy presided over by the Bishop in the presence of local dignitaries and Parishioners. We shall then process to the new building where the Bishop will bless the Centre and then there will be an afternoon of celebration concluding with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at four o’clock. A setting of the “Te Deum” has been commissioned by our resident Musician, James Devor. Also a mosaic of Our Lady of Lourdes adorns the entrance lobby of the new building (which is the image on the Newsletter this week) the work of local Artist, Paul Siggins, with help from children in our Primary School and their gift to the Parish Centre.
It hardly needs saying after all these years of preparation, fundraising and effort, that this is a most marvellous milestone in the life of our Parish. We have recently celebrated our Centenary Year, and this moment begins a new era in our Parish with a building which future generations can be rightly proud of. There are numerous people who should be thanked for this work, too many to mention here! Above all, it has been the tireless efforts of all of you, through your prayer, encouragement and practical contributions that have made this all possible.
It is our Patronal Feastday this Tuesday (11th) and in the morning I shall celebrate Mass with the children and staff of our Primary School in the church. In the evening there will be a Sung Mass followed by drinks in the Parish Centre. I have invited Fr Lee Bennett of Benfleet Parish to preach at the Mass.
We give thanks to The Most Blessed Trinity and invoke the continued protection of Our Blessed Lady!
Fr Kevin Hale