
Jubilee Year

The ‘Jubilee Indulgence’ is specific to a Jubilee Year.  Plenary indulgences obtained during the Jubilee Year can also be applied to souls in purgatory making it possible to obtain two plenary indulgences in a day with one being applied to the deceased. For the Jubilee Year 2025 the indulgence has a focus on pilgrimage as “Pilgrims of Hope”.  The indulgence can be obtained by completing any of the following acts (work) as part of the usual conditions listed above:

Make a pilgrimage to any designated church or place such as Rome or one of three churches in our Diocese: Brentwood Cathedral, the Shrine of Our Lady of Light at the Catholic Church in Clacton-on-Sea; St Antony of Padua Church, Forest Gate.

Perform works of mercy, such a visiting the sick, giving help to those who are homeless or hungry.

Undertaking penance, such as abstaining from some food or drink, giving up the use of social media, and regaining the sense of Friday abstinence.

Attending a retreat or a Parish Mission.

I hope that his outline of one important aspect of this Jubilee Year will inspire and encourage you to be generous with Our Lord and so gain and enjoy the spiritual benefits our Mother the Church offers us in these days of Jubilee.

OLOL Ladies Group

We meet again on Thursday, 19th December at 10am in the Parish Centre. This will be our last Meeting this year and we plan to celebrate with some Festive cheer, reflect on this past year when we have enjoyed talks and presentations on a variety of subjects from our invited guests, plus a lot of ‘in-house’ entertainment from our Members.

Do come along and enjoy a mince pie and glass of Prosecco, plus a Bumper Festive Raffle.

Our next Meeting will be in January and if you haven’t joined us yet, just a reminder that the Ladies Group is open to all Ladies in the Parish, with subs remaining at just £1 per meeting.

First Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent

Dear friends in Christ

I would like to begin Advent by sharing with you some helpful lines from a sermon on Advent by Monsignor Ronald Knox, preached in 1947:

Everybody knows, even those of us who have lived most unadventurously, what it is to plod on for miles, it seems, eagerly straining your eyes towards the lights that, somehow, mean home.