Third Sunday of Lent

Dear friends in Christ

Now that we have completed our days of Parish Mission, we give thanks to God for the opportunity we have had at the start of this Lent to be renewed in faith. For those who made the time to attend the Masses and Services of the Mission, God will surely have rewarded you with many graces, especially the grace of perseverance in our holy vocations. We are extremely grateful to the Fathers—Dominic and Royston—for being with us and taking us through the week with their preaching, instruction and spiritual guidance; also for the many hours devoted to the hearing of Confessions. God reward them for their generous service here and an assurance of our prayers as they continue their various apostolates in the service of Christ’s Church. Thank you all for the example of devotion this week by the way we have followed the exercises of the Mission. What remains impressed on my memory will be the evening when Married couples renewed their vows and the final evening when we all renewed our commitment to the Gospel. Let us hope and pray that we can now build on these graces as we go forward through this Jubilee Year of Hope. The evening Service is available on the Parish YouTube channel—Lourdesleigh—but only until the end of this weekend.

This week brings us to the halfway point of Lent. As we continue our pilgrimage towards Easter, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose, perseverance and commitment to Christ. It is never too late to start taking this holy season seriously, never too late to start following Jesus closely, and never too late to make the move from being lukewarm to fervent!

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale