Parish Centre

Now that the Parish Centre is open and available for the use of the Parish, it is  Important that we all respect the fabric of the building and the environment of the site. 

The entrance/exit to the courtyard is a potential hazard for cars until Southend Borough Council make good the cross-over, so please take care when driving in.  You may use it at your own risk.

Refreshments are now available in the Parish Centre after Mass, except on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Lavatory facilities are available in case of necessity during Mass within the Centre through the first door on the left as you enter; the facilities to the rear of the Sacristy should now no longer need to be used.

When accessing the Centre from the church, please use the cloistered walkway at all times for reasons of pedestrian safety.

Within the Parish Centre the main floors are laid with high quality oak;         inappropriate footwear will damage them!

The lift is only to be used by those who cannot use the stairs.

Please respect all of the fabric of our new building which will ensure that repairs and maintenance can be kept to a minimum.               

The Parish Centre Committee