
Please pray for the repose of the souls of

BOBBY NEWMAN, RIP who died on Thursday 20th February. Her body will be received into the church on Thursday, 3rd April at 5pm and her Requiem Mass will take place on Friday, 4th April at 10.30am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

DAVID KISLINGBURY, RIP who died on Friday, 7th March. His body will be received into the church on Tuesday, 8th April at 4pm and his Requiem Mass will take place on Wednesday, 9th April at 10am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

TIMOTHY McCARTHY who died on Sunday, 2nd March. His Requiem Mass will be take place on Friday, 11th April at 11am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

PAULINE SHAW, RIP who died on Monday, 10th February. Her funeral will take place on Wednesday, 23rd April at 3.30pm at Southend Crematorium.

Requiescant in pace

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday of the Passion: 13th April
Vigil Mass 5:30pm 12th April
8:00am Mass
9:30am Mass
11:30am Mass Preceded by Blessing of Palms and Procession
5:30pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Confessions after all Masses

Monday of Holy Week
9:00am Mass
Confessions after Mass

Tuesday of Holy Week
9:00am Mass
Confessions after Mass

Spy Wednesday
9:00am Mass
Confessions after Mass
11:00am Mass of Chrism in Brentwood Cathedral

Maundy Thursday
9:00am Office of Lauds
7:00pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Watching at the Altar of Repose until Midnight
Confessions after Mass; Compline 11:45pm

Good Friday
9:00am Office of Reading and Lauds
10:00am Children’s Way of the Cross
3:00pm Solemn Liturgy of Our Lord’s Passion
7:00pm Way of the Cross
Confessions after all the Services

Holy Saturday
9:00am Office of Reading and Lauds
Confessions 11:00am-12noon
8:30pm Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter

Easter Sunday 20th April
8:00am Mass
9:30am Mass
11:30am Mass
5:30pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Dates for your Diary

Monday, 31st March—Journey in Faith (RCIA) 8pm Parish Centre

Saturdays 10th & 17th May 10.30am—First Holy Communion Masses

Sunday 1st June 2025—Visitation & Confirmation

Sunday 22nd June—Corpus Christi Procession 4pm

Saturday 5th July—Flower Festival

Monday 21st—Friday 25th July—Lourdes Pilgrimage

Monday 8th September Centenary of the Opening of our Church

The Shroud of Turin Exhibition

Join us on Thursday 10th April at Sacred Heart Church Hall from 7pm for a talk on The Turin Shroud. On the following Monday 14th April, at the beginning of Holy Week, we travel with Father Graham by coach to view a full-sized replica of The Turin Shroud and explore the exhibition at St George’s Cathedral, Southwark.

The coach leaves Sacred Heart Church at 10am, St John Fisher Church at 10:10am, London Road opposite Nazareth House 10:20am and Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 10:35am. Adults £20 – Children under 16 travel free.

The Exhibition is free to enter. Please contact Sandy Rand 07470 820994 to book your place.


This continues on Monday, 31st March and is specifically for those who are not Catholics but who are enquiring with a view to finding out more about the Catholic Faith and Reception into the Church. These evenings begin at 8pm, are held in the Newman Room of the Parish Centre (the door is beside the Memorial Garden) and usually last just over an hour. Names may be given in advance to Fr Kevin or the Parish Office.

Director of Education

Bishop Alan is seeking to appoint a Director of Education to promote and implement his vision for Catholic education within the Diocese. This is an inspiring, rewarding and fulfilling position as the Diocese serves a network of 90 schools, providing for the formation and educational needs of some 40,000 children and young people.

The successful candidate will have extensive leadership experience in an education context, a strong grasp of current educational issues (including CMATs’ evolving role within the parish, diocese and local community); excellent leadership and management skills; and a deep knowledge and understanding of Catholic education as structured in this country.

Closing date for applications: Monday 7 April at 12 Noon

More information here:

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham—24th May 2025

Join Bishop Alan and other parishes around the Diocese of Brentwood in Walsingham to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope. We will celebrate Mass at the Basilica before walking the Holy Mile to the grounds of Walsingham Abbey to celebrate Vespers and Benediction on the site of the Holy House.

If you would like transport to and from Walsingham please leave your name and contact details at the Parish office, as Sacred Heart are organising a coach.

Coach leaving Sacred Heart at 7:30am
Pick up at Our Lady of Lourdes at 7:45am
Arrival Walsingham 11am
Depart Walsingham 5pm
Arrival Our Lady of Lourdes 8:15pm
Arrival Sacred Heart 8:30pm
£24 per adult - Children under 16 go free

Gift Aid Envelopes

The Gift Aid boxes containing Offertory and Charity envelopes for the financial year 2025/2026 are available for collection at the back of the Church.

Special collection boxes are also available for donors who contribute by Standing Order. They contain only charities designated by the Diocese, including Christmas and Easter offerings.

Please pray for the repose of the souls of

BOBBY NEWMAN, RIP who died on Thursday 20th February. Her Requiem Mass will take place on Friday, 4th April at 10.30am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

DAVID KISLINGBURY, RIP who died on Friday, 7th March. His body will be received into the church on Tuesday, 8th April at 4pm and his Requiem Mass will take place on Wednesday, 9th April at 10am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

TIMOTHY McCARTHY who died on Sunday, 2nd March. His Requiem Mass will be take place on Friday, 11th April at 11am followed by committal at Southend Crematorium.

PAULINE SHAW, RIP who died on Monday, 10th February. Her funeral will take place on Wednesday, 23rd April at 3.30pm at Southend Crematorium.

Requiescant in pace

OLOL Ladies Group

Our next meeting is on Thursday, 27th March at 10am in the Parish Centre, when Liz Payne will be making a welcome return visit, to talk about her work with ‘Southend in Sight’, the local sight loss charity who assist adults, children and families with advice, equipment and social activities.

All ladies are very welcome to come and relax in good company over tea or coffee & biscuits; £1 subs per meeting, plus a Raffle.