What is Gift Aid? 

Gift Aid is one of the simplest and most effective ways of giving to charity. 

It does not cost the donor anything over and above the amount of their donation. 

It is a scheme introduced by HM Revenue which allows charities to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. 

It means that for every £1 you donate, the parish can claim an extra 25p of tax at no extra cost to you.   Therefore if you donate £10 to the Parish, you’ll actually be giving £12.50. 

Do I qualify for Gift Aid? 

To qualify for Gift Aid, you need to be a UK taxpayer and to have paid sufficient Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax to cover your donation. Gift Aid can apply to donations of any amount, large or small – it all adds up! 

 How do I join the Gift Aid scheme? 

All that is required is to complete a Gift Aid declaration form filling in your full name, address and postcode and tick the box (indicating that you wish to join the scheme) confirming that you are a UK tax payer and we’ll do the rest. 

Does joining the Gift Aid Scheme entail disclosure of ‘personal’ matters? 

No-one is required to disclose their earnings, their employer, the amount of tax they pay or anything else that is personal to them or their family. 

What if the donor already makes Gift Aid donations to another Charity? 

A donor may complete Gift Aid Declarations to as many charities as they wish   provided they pay sufficient Income Tax to at least equal the amount of their    donations. 

Must membership of the Gift Aid Scheme run for any particular term? 

No. There is no term commitment whatsoever The Declaration has no expiry date, does not have to be renewed or superseded and can be cancelled at any time by the donor. 

Donations can be made during the collection at weekend masses using the envelopes provided or by monthly standing order.   

For more information or to pick up a form please call 01702 478078. 

Alternatively, please leave your details in the Parish office and we will contact you.