Dear friends in Christ
The liturgy of this Sunday - especially the long Gospel of the Woman at the Well - speaks to us of our deepest thirst: to have the presence of Christ within us a spring of living water welling-up to eternal life! Please continue to pray for those who are preparing for the Sacraments at Easter here and elsewhere in the Church.
This week sees the retirement from the Parish Office of Mrs Jan Lewis, who has been working for the Parish for some years now. Jan is known to many of you as a life-long Parishioner and has, over the last decade, been a tremendous source of help and encouragement to me. First of all in her capacity as the first Fundraising Secretary for the building project and more recently in the Parish Office. Her efficiency, skill and dedication have been so appreciated by all of us who have enjoyed working with her. She now takes a well-earned break from the routine of daily employment and I am happy that she is handing-over the reins to Mrs Simone Dann who will administer the Office Monday-Wednesday.
Also this week - after advertising and interviewing - we have appointed a Custodian of the Parish Centre: Mr Stephen Fleming. He is now the person responsible on a daily basis for the management and security of the building. Any queries about the fabric and bookings should go through the Parish Centre Committee:
On a more personal note: I was delighted with the appointment last weekend, of a very close and dear friend of mine - Fr Robert Byrne - as Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham. Fr Robert is a member of the Congregation of the Oratory of St Phillip Neri (whose portrait hangs in our church) and who has for the last couple of years been the Ecumenical Officer of the Conference of Bishops; prior to that he was superior of the Oxford Oratory. It seems to me an inspired choice of a priest who has the necessary skills required to be an Apostle in the Church today. His episcopal consecration will be on 13th May, feast of Our Lady of Fatima; I ask you to hold him very specially in your prayers.
God bless you!
Fr Kevin Hale