Thank you very much to all parishioners for their generosity in donating fresh fruit, dried and tinned goods for the Day Centre. This month’s wish list is: tea, coffee, UHT milk, small cartons of fruit juice, individually wrapped cakes and biscuits, fresh fruit. Harp ran out of sleeping blankets for rough sleepers earlier this week: if you have any that you could donate, please leave them in the box in the sacristy or telephone Linda Wall 558217 for collection.
Prittle Brook Spring Walk—Sunday 11th May
A 3 ½ mile Sunday afternoon stroll along the Prittle Brook Greenway from Priory Park to Belfairs Park - raising funds for HARP. Registration from 2 pm in Priory Park. Enjoy tea and cake afterwards in the Woodlands Centre at Belfairs Park. Entrance fee (including tea and cake) Adults £8, Children £4, Family ticket £20.