Dear friends in Christ
The Easter season is one of joy and hope: joy in the Risen Christ and hope for our future glory. During this time we think of how the faith of the Apostles was strengthened by the time they spent with Jesus in his risen body. The Acts of the Apostles is read at Mass which tells of the beginnings of the Church, the hopes and joys, sufferings and persecutions of the first followers of Jesus. It helps and encourages us to know that the problems we face in life, the difficulties of the Church at the start, are much the same today: resistance to Christ and His Church move us to be more committed and enthusiastic in all our endeavours for God.
We are approaching the time of our First Communion Masses over the next two weekends: please remember these children, their parents and families that, they may be sustained throughout this time by our prayers and as they begin the unique relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Eucharist, they will grow in faith and love.
With every blessing!
Fr Kevin Hale