Dear friend in Christ
Last Tuesday, Dr Alan Williams was Consecrated Eighth Bishop of Brentwood during a ceremony in Brentwood Cathedral which was much anticipated and amidst great jubilation. He asks us above all, to pray for him, as he begins the ministry entrusted to him by the Church. We are grateful to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for appointing a new Shepherd for us whose primary responsibility will be to nurture our Clergy, teach the Catholic Faith and govern this portion of God’s people in our Diocese. We hope before too-long that he may be able to visit our Deanery and Parish when we would have the opportunity of greeting him and hearing his words confirming us in our Faith.
Next Sunday (13th) is the occasion of our Annual Parish Meeting and Garden Party. It hardly seems possible that it was one year ago that the Foundation Stone of the Parish Centre was laid on that same occasion. This event each year provides the opportunity for us to celebrate the life of our Parish Family together and also express gratitude to all those who work so tirelessly in the day-to-day workings of the Parish. Do please try to come along, even for a short while, to celebrate together all that we have achieved together over the last year.
With every blessing for the week ahead!
Fr Kevin Hale