Sixteenth Sunday of the Year


Dear friends in Christ

The Parable of the wheat and darnel this Sunday tells us that the world is like a field where God is continually sowing the seed of his grace; this divine seed takes root in the ground and produces the fruits of holiness.  Jesus offers us His grace with such a wonderful love.  For Him each of us is unique and therefore He did not hesitate to assume our human nature to redeem us.  He prepares us like good soil and sows good doctrine, which is why we have to be vigilant that the poisonous weeds of false teaching never take root.

Last Sunday we celebrated our Annual Parish Meeting and Garden Party; almost a hundred Parishioners attended which is something of a record!  I am grateful to all of you who came and participated in the evening which was very affirming and enjoyable.  We thank all those who provided the refreshments and assisted with the proceedings.  I have to say Thank-you once again for the surprise gift that was presented to mark my thirtieth anniversary of Ordination; I am deeply grateful to all who contributed to the travel vouchers.  In particular I would like to thank the other Clergy of the Parish who are always ready to offer help and support: Father Con Joyce who regularly celebrates Sunday Mass in the Parish and Father Basil Pearson who is a regular supply priest for many of the local Parishes.  Fr Basil continues to make a steady recovery following his recent illness and surgery, and whilst many of you have sent him Get-Well wishes I have also assured him of our continued prayers for a speedy return to health.

As our Schools and Colleges conclude another academic year, I wish everyone a very happy Summer holiday time!  God bless you.

Fr Kevin Hale