Dear friends in Christ
There are times in our lives when we especially feel that God is giving us special impulses and graces to follow him. The Readings of the Mass this Sunday remind us that God calls us to Himself in a variety of ways and at differing times; but the reward is always the same. Many people live their lives without even knowing the basic truth that Christ has brought salvation into the world; and that salvation is possible for each and every member of the human race. There are many people who will or will not find Christ because of our example. None of us should ever be indifferent to the fact that so many do not know Jesus Christ. St Gregory the Great exhorts us: Each one should examine themselves to see how energetically they are working in the vineyard of the divine Sower. Perhaps we have not dedicated everything we have to the service of the Lord. The people who really work for Him…are those who are anxious to win souls and bring others to the vineyard.
There is room for everyone in the vineyard of the Lord: young and old, rich and poor, men and women, be they in the prime of life or in their sunset years, whether they have time to spare or no time at all. The sick and the young are especially able to make an important contribution to the work of the salvation of souls, as the Second Vatican Council reminds us: Children too have an apostolate of their own. In their own measure they are true living witnesses of Christ among their companions….On all Christians accordingly, rests the noble obligation of working to bring all people throughout the whole world to hear and accept the divine message of salvation (Ap.Ac.12). This then, is the vineyard; the field in which we are called to fulfil our mission to be salt and light to the world. May God bless you!
Fr Kevin Hale