Dear friends in Christ
The liturgy of this weekend inclines us to reflect on the virtue of obedience. This is a virtue that springs from our God-given freedom. When we obey what is asked of us by legitimate authority – Church or State – then we are actually conserving our freedom for choosing the good. Christ obeyed the Will of His Father, not because he had to, but rather because He wanted to. His obedience extended to everything in His life on earth, even to the accepting of death, death on a cross. Thus the virtue of Christian obedience unites us with the mystery of the Cross and our redemption.
I have been very encouraged by the attendance at the recent three Talks on the Faith. I hope that many of those who showed an interest in the Catholic Faith might consider now continuing with our weekly About Being Catholic evenings which explore the Faith in greater depth with a view to entering the Church at Easter. Please encourage, and pray for, anyone you know – friend or family member - who may be nibbling!
Next weekend we welcome to the Parish Mr David Black from Aid to the Church in Need. He will be speaking at the Masses about the work of this wonderful Charity which helps the Church in the parts of the world where it is being persecuted. We have heard many tragically sad stories in recent times about the suffering of our brothers and sister in the Faith – such as in Iraq and Syria – and this is an opportunity to help them in a practical way. ACN is a Pontifical Charity which means it is under the direct patronage of the Pope and brings relief in his name, directly to those who need it in the Suffering Church. God bless you all!
Fr Kevin Hale