Twenty-ninth Sunday of the Year


Dear friends in Christ

As Christians we live in the world but are not of the world.  This means that we are obliged to pray for those who govern us, respect legitimate civil authority and pay our taxes.  Those who govern us have a great responsibility to carry out their duties with justice and integrity.  The Lord recognised the civil power and its rights, but He also stated quite clearly that we have to respect the rights of God.  Whenever as Christians we play a part in public affairs, in education or cultural life, we can never behave as if we are reserving our faith for some future occasion.  The Second Vatican Council teaches:  The lay faithful accomplish the Church’s mission in the world principally by that blending  of conduct and faith which makes them the light of the world; by that uprightness in all their dealings which is for every man such an incentive to love the true and the good and which is capable of inducing him at last to go to Christ and the Church; by that fraternal charity that makes them share the living conditions and labours, the sufferings and yearnings of their brothers, and thereby prepare all hearts, for the action of saving grace; by that full awareness of their personal responsibility in the development of society, which drives them on to perform their family social and professional duties with Christian generosity (Dignitatis humanae, 11).

Elsewhere in this Newsletter I have included some notes about the reception of Holy Communion which may help in making this important moment at Mass more streamlined and reverent.

God bless you all!
Fr Kevin Hale