Year 2, Psalter Week 1

Monday 17th St Elizabeth of Hungary, Rel
9.15am Mass: Intentions of Corrigan Family

Tuesday 18th The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss Peter & Paul, App
9.15am Mass: Kevin Power, RIP (Anniv)

Wednesday 19th Feria
9.15am Mass: Fr Andrew Hurley, RIP

Thursday 20th Feria
9.15am Mass: Holy Souls

Friday 21st The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12 Noon Mass: Rene Bragard, RIP

Saturday 22nd St Cecilia, V, M
10.00am Mass Fr John Caden, RIP 

Confession – the Sacrament of Penance – is also available on request
Holy Rosary is said after morning Mass during the week