55th Leigh on Sea Scouts, Cubs and Beavers

Southend’s Catholic Scout group is run from our Parish and provides scouting   opportunities for boys and girls aged 5 ½ to 14 in its Beavers, Cubs and Scout    sections.  We are currently short of leaders for our Beavers and Cubs sections and would be grateful if anyone who has an hour or two to spare on Tuesday evenings (term time only) and would be interested in helping out could please get in touch.  You do not need any prior experience and do not need to be available   every week as role sharing is possible.  We also currently have spaces in our Scout group for young people aged 10 ½ or older.  Younger children interested in joining Cubs or Beavers are welcome to join our waiting list.  Please contact Bernadette Barber – bernadette@chadwickcc.com or 07712 648443.