The Epiphany of The Lord


Dear friends in Christ

I wish you all every peace, grace and blessing for the New Year which has just begun!

The Epiphany, which is celebrated this weekend, has a twofold lesson: the worship of God by man, and as a result of that, the proclaiming of Christ to our world.  What we do in church by our adoration of God, must continue in the work of bringing Christ to our world: the work of evangelisation.  This is what the Magi show us, and with the same faith, we can imitate their actions.

Thank you all so much for the many, many greetings I received from you over the Christmas season: your prayers, cards, gifts and the generous Christmas Offerings.  As usual, the celebration of the Nativity in our Parish continues to be a joyous, beautiful and worthy affair.  So many of you collaborate in making possible the dignified celebration of the liturgy and all that surrounds it: those who prepare the church and keep it looking so pristine week-after-week; those involved with the liturgical celebrations; and so many others, seen and unseen!  The care taken, and the investment of time and resources for the worship of God, is something which I never take-for-granted, and is something which is appreciated by both members of the Parish Family and those who visit our Parish.  It is a testament to the untiring commitment and generosity of you all.  May God bless you!

Fr Kevin Hale