Dear friends in Christ
We have begun the liturgical season known somewhat blandly as Ordinary Time, during which no particular mystery of the Life of Christ is celebrated but simply the mystery of Christ and His Church in general. It is only a few short weeks until we begin Lent in mid-February and so we can use these days to consider what the Mass Readings suggests to us this weekend: the call to follow Christ daily with every greater commitment and fidelity. Our Lord asks each and every one of us to live on intimate terms with Him. We can do this daily through prayer, by a life rich with the grace of the Sacraments and by fulfilling the duties of our vocation with love and perfection.
Since my appointment as Vicar General two weeks ago, I have received numerous messages, cards and personal greetings from so many of you; I am deeply appreciative of this. I have also been assured by so many of your prayers, and I can certainly say that already I feel enveloped by this prayerful support as I begin new responsibilities. As with any office or role in the Church, we simply have to remember that Christ is the one who really does everything and that brings with it tremendous serenity. Many of you have asked if I will be moving from the Parish; at the moment there are no plans but I need to discern over the coming weeks, as my work as the sole Vicar General evolves, what is going to be best for me, the Diocese and our Parish Family. With this is mind, I humbly ask you to be patient with me as I shall probably have to spend more time out of the Parish and therefore things may not happen as effectively as I would wish. Above all, I ask you to hold me in prayer each day as I shall endeavour to serve the Bishop and our Diocese with the care and diligence they deserve.
With my prayers for all of you and God’s blessing!
Fr Kevin Hale