Monday 26th Ss Timothy & Titus, Bpp
9.15am Mass: Bishop Patrick Casey, RIP
9.15am Mass: Bishop Patrick Casey, RIP
Tuesday 27th St Angela Merici, V
9.00am Mass: Intentions of the Ward Family
Wednesday 28th St Thomas Aquinas, Pr, D
9.15am Mass: Mark Solecki, RIP (Anniv)
Thursday 29th Feria
9.15am Mass: Winifred Smith, RIP
Friday 30th Feria
12 Noon Mass: Raffaele Sorrentino, RIP
Saturday 31st St John Bosco, Pr
10.00am Mass Tom Swann, RIP
Confession – the Sacrament of Penance – is also available on request
Holy Rosary is said after morning Mass during the week