Third Sunday of the Year


Dear friends in Christ

One of the things that should strike us about the way the first disciples of Jesus responded when they were called is, the immediate nature of their response: …and at once they left everything and followed Him. There is something about the person of Our Lord that makes those who encounter Him want to leave what seemed important to them before, and go after Him unconditionally. To truly follow Jesus we know deep down that we need to be detached from all that makes us comfortable. We need to be constantly on the watch, and examine our souls frequently, so as not to allow any created things – persons or material goods – to get in the way of our union with God. Rather, we have to let all the things and people around us become the means for loving and serving God better. The Second Vatican Council admonishes us: Let all Christians see that they guide their affections rightly, otherwise, they will be thwarted in the search for perfect charity by the way they use their earthly possessions, and by a fondness for riches which goes against the Gospel spirit of poverty. The Apostle St Paul has sounded the warning “let those who make use of this world not get bogged down in it, for the structure of this world is passing away” LG42. In the same way that Jesus invited his first Apostles to follow Him, He invites each of us, wherever we find ourselves, to follow Him unconditionally.

God bless you all in this coming week!
Fr Kevin Hale