Dear Friends in Christ
Throughout this month of May, some of our beautiful sacramental celebrations take place: first holy communion, confirmations, and the season for weddings begins. Also, some of the most beautiful feasts of the year occur during this month. All of which reminds us, that the cycle of our lives is rooted firmly in the life of the mysteries of Christ and His Church. I ask you to pray for all those who are preparing to receive these sacraments at this time.
This month of May is also traditionally the time when we give a higher profile to the place of the Blessed Mother in our lives and in the life of the church. We can choose to do this in a variety of ways from the making of pilgrimages to her shrines and places dedicated to her, to praying the holy rosary and her litany, to the simple customs which involve us looking at her life and virtues more lovingly.
However we go about living this Marian month of May, the intention and result should be the same: that of getting Mary to draw us more deeply into the life of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. May she obtain for us, by these simple tokens of devotion, especially in our parish dedicated to her, a strong
Easter faith and an understanding of what it means to be in relationship with
her Son.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale