Eleventh Sunday of the Year


Dear friends in Christ

Last Sunday the Church celebrated Corpus Christi which was marked as usual with the Eucharistic Procession.  It was a joy to see so many of the Parish participating in this public act of faith and piety to Our Lord in The Blessed Sacrament.  The children looked splendid in their First Communion clothes, the Tilbury Brass Band accompanied us, and the sun shone brightly!  The whole occasion was a worthy and noble celebration of the most important gift and grace that God has given to us: His beloved Son in the Eucharist.  We thank all those who made the celebration so memorable: the Altar Servers, the Ladies who provided the Tea afterwards, and those who keep our grounds and gardens looking so well-cared-for.  There are images on the Parish website of recent events and I remind you also that you can receive the Newsletter electronically each week by signing-up using the appropriate section on the website.

June commemorates particularly the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and having celebrated last Friday the Feast, we are reminded of the need to find our human and supernatural loves in the Heart of our Saviour.  Jesus is calling us always into deeper intimacy with Him and - as the Gospel of this Sunday reminds us - our small efforts to love God will grow into something of true grandeur and wonder.  God bless you all during this week!

Msgr Kevin Hale