The Brentwood Catholic Youth Service’s annual trip to Lourdes is just around the corner. For those who aren’t familiar with the pilgrimage, young people travel to Lourdes for a week to join with and assist the elderly and disabled in accessing the different aspects of Lourdes. Last year was my first year and I found it very rewarding. I would like very much to go again. The only challenge is that I need to raise money for my travel and accommodation. So here are the details: East ( Alexandra St, Southend) Monday, 6th July 2015 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm £13 per person for all you can eat buffet. Donations for raffle will be greatly appreciated All are welcome! Tickets will be available from Our Lady of Lourdes school office or directly from Amy Kwasnica (07847517148). Looking forward to seeing you there, Joe Kwasnica (parishioner)