Fifteenth Sunday of the Year


Dear friends in Christ

The liturgy of this weekend reminds us that one who is an Apostle is someone who is sent.  As Amos the prophet is sent, so also Jesus sends out his Apostles in pairs to proclaim the good news about God and His kingdom.  Pope Francis has recently reminded us that as Catholics we are to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ and as such all our work and effort must be channelled into this.  Our Parishes too, must bear the distinguishing mark of this sense of being sent.  We have received something great and so we are compelled to tell others about what we have experienced.  Many Catholics however, have not experienced this personal encounter with Christ, either because we have not prayed as we should, or been formed properly in our Faith or in a sense of what it means to belong to the Body of Christ.  Many of us have been catechised and taught the doctrines of the Faith, but this does not always mean we have engaged with the person of Christ on a profound level.  In order for us to be convincing missionary disciples of Jesus Christ we need to constantly nurture and develop our friendship with Jesus through knowledge of Him which comes, above all, with reflection on His Word and engagement in prayer, personal dialogue.  Let each of us resolve, as we listen to these passages of the Scriptures at Mass again this weekend, to be in the same mould as those whom Our Lord first sent into the world.

Thank you for your participation in the Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday.  Copies of the Reports are available at the back of the church for anyone who wasn’t able to attend or who would like to read what has been happening.  I am grateful, as I said on that occasion, for all the help and collaboration that has been given to me over this last year - and especially the additional help I have received in the last six months since becoming Vicar General - and we thank those who helped make the Garden Party an enjoyable social moment of the year.  God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale