Pilgrimage to Saint Jude

Saturday 19th September
Sacred Heart Church at 8:40am
Nazareth House 8:50am
Our Lady of Lourdes 9am
Adults £15, OAPs £14, first few children free, then £14

Saint Jude is referred to in the Bible as one of Jesus’ relatives and Apostles, and a letter often attributed to him is preserved as part of the New Testament. He is widely known amongst Catholics and other Christians as the patron saint of desperate cases, and thousands of devotees worldwide attest to his powerful intercession with God. Since the 1950s thousands of pilgrims have come to Faversham from all over the world to visit and pray at our little shrine to Saint Jude.It is not a large building, but it has become sacred with the prayers of the many pilgrims who have visited, and who tell movingly of their encounters with God and with one another.

There will be Mass at 11:30am followed by plenty of time to pray at the shrine, there will also be time to explore the historic town of Faversham. The hall will be available to eat your lunch should the weather be inclement.

Call Liam 07952 954833 or Damian 07887 678741 or email liam.rand@btopenworld.com

Knights of Saint Columba